Mission Statement
JM Germany regards itself as a community for dedicated young musicians.
We see the human being as the focus and source of all music. Therefore, our work is based upon values and ideals such as truthfulness, responsibility and fellowship. Being a section of Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI), we strive to cultivate a cosmopolitan attitude.
Our wide-spread activities for and with young music enthusiasts are designed to foster the individual's development through music, and lead to participation and self-responsibility. We are heeding a concept of quality, defined by authentically encountering music and experiencing its uniting powers.
We focus on making music together and jointly experiencing music. On this fundament is also based our care for international exchange and intercultural understanding amongst young people. Our emphasis lies on classical music and how it is perceived and how it fits in today's life.
Committed to innovation, we constantly improve our activities and produce stimuli for music education and cultural policies. Our nationwide network of members and partners provides a pool of resources from which we mobilise expertise and potentials for impact.
We profile the Music Academy Schloss Weikersheim as the hub of our outreach and as a “World Meeting Center” of JMI, a place where you can live to experience the spirit of Jeunesses Musicales, and from where young musicians are hoped to bring their inspiration to the world.
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